Our couriers move all over Estonia every day, delivering goods from a small envelope to a large items. We go through all the largest cities in Estonia on a daily basis and also small settlements and villages between large cities according to the needs of our customers. We have developed an ordering environment for business customers and a smart application for private customers to make submitting orders and inquiries as convenient and modern as possible. The e-shops of Estonias largest furniture stores have entrusted us with the transport of their products, and we offer them the fastest delivery among competitors.
Small parcel transport over Estonia.
In the case of a partial load, the goods of different customers are combined on one truck, which allows to optimize transport costs and reduce idle times.
Full loads
In the case of full load transport, the entire volume of the truck is reserved for one customer or one consignment. It is suitable for customers who have a larger quantity of goods or a need for faster and more direct transport. The advantage of full-load shipping is that the goods do not have to wait for the delivery of other goods, which can speed up deliveries and ensure more accurate arrival times.
Collection and distribution transport
We offer business customers pick-up and distribution transport with preparation of a loading plan and optimization of routes.
IKEA delivery
With us, it is possible to order IKEA goods across the entire continent of Estonia (including Saaremaa). We have also created an independent ordering environment for ordering from the IKEA store.
Freight and parcel transport in the direction of Saaremaa
You can send goods from any point in mainland Estonia to all settlements in Saaremaa and vice versa, including all areas accessible by van..